Importance of forest conservation pdf file

Introduction in conservation of forest and wildlife. Did you know that forests are called the lungs of the environment. Pdf conservation of forest is a continual process that requires a welldesigned strategies and approaches that. In 1999, the world conservation union reported on the effectiveness of forest protected areas and concluded that protected areas continue to face threats from human pressures and legal designation does not ensure sustained co ns er vat io n. Can help clean contaminated water through natural filtering process.

They are a factory of oxygen and various other very important natural resources. Examining the evidence base for forest conservation. It was prepared by claudia sobrevila, senior biodiversity specialist in the environment department of the world bank. Batu angus and dua saudara nr, however, had high number of forest and endemic bird species both within and outside their boundaries, suggesting the importance of buffer areas for augmenting small reserves so as to improve their conservation value. Payment for ecosystem services pes is a tool to enable a forest owner or owners. Biology and conservation of owls of the northern hemisphere second international symposium. List of books and articles about forest conservation online. Conserving water saves money texas water supplies are abundant in some areas but limited in others. In it farmers grow perennial plants in rows and space within the rows. In the modern world, forests have an important place in the general economy of any country.

Forests also support biodiversity by offering enabling environments where different plants and animals can easily thrive. Importance of forest importance of trees forest protection. We get wood, fruits, vegetables and even medicines from forests. They provide food, fodder, fuel, fertilizer and fibre. To do this it is necessary to study the land carefully, so as to be able to fit conservation practices and structures to the various kinds of land. The importance of forests cannot be underestimated. Nyungwe forest conservation in rwanda columbus zoo and aquarium. Tropical forests recovering from disturbance could be much more important to the conservation of forest bird species than first thought, according to a new study.

Differentiate between afforestation and deforestation. The latest conference on the biodiversity treaty in the hague urged governments to take protective measures by 2010. Besides providing habitats for animals and livelihoods for humans, forests also offer watershed protection, prevent. Consequently, one of the most pressing issues today is the conservation of forest. Its mandate was expanded to include dealing with the countrys rapid progress in creating new protected regions like transfrontier conservation areas, biosphere reserves, world heritage sites, national parks and bioregional plans to address gaps in the system. Conservation and management of forest resources in india. Economical importance of forests environmental importance of forests ecological importance of forests religious importance of forests 2. Medicinal plants for forest food and agriculture organization medicinal plants for forest conservation and health care edited by gerard bodeker chair, gifts of health green college, university of oxford, uk new drug development as an incentive to forest conservation natural drugs and medicinal plants, along with other nontimber forest products, already. Soil is an important component of forest and woodland ecosystems as it helps regulate important ecosystem processes, such as nutrient uptake, decomposition, and water. The guide gives good practical advice with reallife examples from a range of forest situations. Despite the apparent importance of local communities in forest conservation. While most of us know the importance of forests, we take them for granted. Importance of forest conservation essay 1299 words cram. Without question, they provide us with huge amounts of tangible and intangible benefits, without which indeed, all life, less to say human life, would fall under the risk of extinction.

However there is growing enthusiasm for the enhanced integration of conservation, agriculture and development efforts. Forest conservation is the practice of planting and maintaining forested areas for the benefit and sustainability of future generations. Around the year 1900 in the united states, forest conservation became popular with the uses of natural resources. Forest conservation and environmental management in. Conservation of forests does not mean that they should not be used for economic purposes but should be used efficiently and in a way that does not endanger the ecological balance and does not destroy the home of wild animals. Forest conservation act, 1980 is a unique piece of legislation, and a regulatory mechanism that reflects the collective will of the nation to protect its rich biodiversity and natural heritage and that permits only unavoidable use of forest land. Apr 29, 2002 forest conservation is also essential to wildlife protection. Tress present in the forest converts co2 into o2 which is important for life. In rwanda, pic began a conservation partnership with the nyungwe forest conservation project pcfn to address education programs and the socioeconomic needs of people living adjacent to the park. The indian forest act of 1927 does not define forests, though forest areas have been legally notified under it as reserve forest, protected forest or village forest. The importance of mangroves in ecosystem services mangroves are coastal forest found in the tropic and subtropics, inhabiting saline tidal areas throughout the globe barbier et al.

Conservation of forests is important as forests are one of the most important natural resources on the earth. Forests also support the life of some of the worlds endangered species. Because the major economic importance of the forest lies in wood and wood products, forestry has been chiefly concerned with timber management, especially reforestation, maintenance of the extant forest stands at prime condition, and fire control. Araneae of mount katahdin, baxter state park, maine, usa.

Natural resources forests introduction a forest is a complex ecosystem which is predominantly composed of trees, shrubs and is usually a closed canopy. Forest conservation acts to maintain, plan, and improve forested areas. They prevent soil erosion and preserve the fertility of the soil. They are home to many wild species of animals, reptiles, and insects. The importance of forest conservation conserve ecosystem by encouraging ecotourism it is a novel concept in outdoor education, particularly educating the youths school and college students and the tribal people about the sustainable use and conservation of. Forests have a variety of functions, including land conservation, securing of water sources, control of climate change, and creation of natural environs essential to human existence. Tropical forest hosts fantastic levels of species and ecosystem diversity, but harvesting pressures are threatening many species today. Importance of forest essay, article, speech, paragraph.

Effects of forest fragmentation, introduction of exotic species and climate change all influence forest biodiversity patterns and quantity. Forests including mangroves, tropical forests, boreal forests and more cover 30 percent of the earths land surface. Although the definition of ecosystem services es varies through literature, most studies recognize a relation between ecosystem functioning and. Forest conservation involves the upkeep of the natural resources within a forest that.

They are the home for many animals and birds, thus, they preserve the biodiversity. Forest conservation is also essential to wildlife protection. We need to conserve them because if forests are destroyed, animals and other creatures of the forests will come out to human settlements searching for a place to stay. Year ii, semester ii, batch iv, group ii academic year 2012. Conservation of forest wildlife conservation reasons why forests and wildlife matter key points on conservation of forest and wildlife. We monitor and measure these impacts in the context of the sustainable development goals sdgs, 12 out of 17 of which are delivered by our projects. In some parts of the state, water conservation by homeowners is necessary to have enough water for basic needs. Mar 15, 2017 the agroforestry project was backed by yaaxche conservation trust yct, a belizean nongovernment organization ngo in charge of managing the adjacent forest reserve. The importance of forest and trees to rainfall and water supply include. While everyone agrees that conserving natural resources is a good idea, there is no consensus on how to go about it. Impacts included increased growth, increased frequency and intensity of fires, pests and diseases and a potential increase in the severity of extreme weather events e. Importance of forest essay, article, speech, paragraph introduction essay on importance of forest forest is a large area of land covered by trees and woody vegetation. Our forest conservation model leads not only to the protection of important forest areas, but the revenue sharing system ensures that local development needs are also served. Water page resources importance of water conservation.

We are a team comprising topnotch geographers and scientists working on forest conservation for geography elective. Human activities, including forest conservation, protection and management. Competitive exams stepbystep guide to writing essay on forest conservation, along with links to other essaywriting resources competitive exams essay. The world has lost nearly half its forests for agriculture, development or resource extraction. Tropical forests alone account for at least 30 percent of the global mitigation action needed to halt climate change. Forest conservation as the name suggests is the preservation and the protection of forests. The process of releasing excess water by plants into the atmosphere in the form of water vapor is known as. Get detailed illustrated notes covering entire syllabus. While most of the planet is covered in water, it is salt water that can only be consumed by humans and other species after undergoing desalination, which is an expensive process. The importance of conserving forests the japan times.

Class 9th b importance of forests forests play a crucial role in the environmental cycle. The significance and usefulness of forests date back to those days when man learnt the merits of a. For effective conservation of soil and water, we must treat and use the various kinds of land according to their capability and need. More than 20 percent of the worlds breathable oxygen is produced in the amazon rainforest. Conservation is the protection of something which people perceive as being of value. The importance of traditional knowledge regarding resource conservation, protection of sacred grooves, endangered species etc. It is the upkeep of the natural resources within a forest that are beneficial to both humans and the ecosystem. I am immensely grateful to jean fanfan, marielena gutti and valerie hickey, who carried out the research and analysis of the bank portfolio, and. The role of forests in the preservation of biodiversity.

We depend on forests for our survival, from the air we breathe to the wood we use. The biodiversity found within the fragments suggests that these small patches of remnant forest may have conservation value to certain mammal species and indicates the importance of further research into the role these habitats may play in landscapelevel, multispecies conservation planning. Conserving forests to protect our climate kfw entwicklungsbank. It may be a conservation of forest and wildlife or any particular species. The preservation of all natural resources is absolutely essential for the balance of our ecosystem importance of forests. Jun 03, 2017 introduction to forest conservation case and its importance. Forests are storehouses of a large variety of life forms such as plants, mammals, birds, insects and reptiles etc. Pdf forest conservation and environmental management in nepal. Following are some points illustrating the importance of forests. The role of forests, trees and wild biodiversity for. After reading this article you will learn about the importance and types of forest resources.

Besides providing habitats for animals and livelihoods for humans, forests also offer watershed protection, prevent soil erosion and mitigate climate change. Thats more than the total area of russia, canada and the united states combined. Explain the uses of 4 golden rs to conserve forest. The economic importance of maines forestbased economy, 20 file format. Forest conservation in the united states wikipedia. The role of indigenous peoples in biodiversity conservation. Forest conservation involves the upkeep of the natural resources within a forest that are beneficial for both humans and the ecosystem.

Forest conservation is the practice of planning and maintaining forested areas for the benefit and sustainability of future generations. Importance of conservation of forest forests are necessary elements in the earth. Biology and conservation of owls, table of contents. Introductio n a forest is a type of ecosystem in which there is high density of trees occupying a relatively large area of land. That is what makes our country one of the 12 mega diversity countries of the world.

It also involves the reversal of deforestation and environmental pollution. By the time of june 1992 earth summit in riodejaneiro brazil, countries had developed a series of principles for forest conservation and its sustainable use. Every group, from governmental agencies to agro businesses to concerned individuals has. Biodiversity and conservation although india h as only 2. It plays a major role in maintaining the biodiversity and the ecosystem of planet earth. Report on streamlining forester licensing requirements file format. Ever since humans evolved, we have changed the land cover of the earth gradually. Forests and forest soils play a broad, complex and interactive role within the environment soils have provided the foundation for trees and entire forests over millions of years. Yet the value of the benefits that standing forests provide is immense. This publication offers information on conserving water and protecting the quality of water in lakes, streams or rivers of texas.

Nearly 45,000 species of plants and twice as many of animals have been recorded from india. Understanding the role of local communities in forest. Also the forests have abundant microorganisms and fungi, which do. They also absorbs harmful gases and make the air pure. This blog is to promote awareness of the importance of forest conservation to the general. Innovativeness and policy framework for resource conservation and utilization became unfriendly in addition to gradual decline of community management. It is essential to address the ways in which forest, water, and people relate to each other in order to propose appropriate policies for conservation and management of the forests and water. Methods of conservation of forests resources and wildlife. Plants absorb water from the soil through their roots. Manitobas biodiversity and sustainable development brian c. List of books and articles about forest conservation. Recovering forests important to conservation, study finds. The watershed forest conservation act of 1980 made central government approval mandatory before diverting forestland. Hence, it is vital for us to realize this importance of forest cover, conserve them.

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